Statistical Statistics on this Latin Loving Site
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year, Remember church on Thurday
What are the 10 Holy Days of Obligation
Article by Marc Aupiais
Canon 1246, of the Universal law of the Church: Canon Law, demands: that in addition to Sundays: unless a bishops conference transfers, or alters, with Vatican permission: such: 10 days of Obligation are to be celebrated in the Holy Church. If this is revoked: it needs permission by the Vatican. South Africa has published no information on these in South Africa: to my knowledge: for this reason: we shall simply give the dates of each of these: and assume until further notice: that we are obligated to attend on these: (In South Africa: one must attend on three days other than Sundays: c.f. Days of Holy Obligation in South Africa)
Holy Days of Obligation in the Universal Church: (Day in Red, date in black)
1) The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ : Which is on 25th December: yearly (Christmas Day).
4) The Body and Blood of Christ : Which is on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, which is the Sunday after Pentecost, which is also a Sunday. (11 days aft Pentecost: given below)
5) Holy Mary: the Mother of God : Which is on 1st of January: yearly
6) The Immaculate Conception of Mary : Which is on 8th December, Yearly
7) The Assumption into Heaven: of the blessed Virgin Mary : Which is on 15th August, yearly
8) Saint Joseph : Which is on 19th March, yearly.
9) Saint Peter and Saint Paul the Apostles : Which is on 29 June, yearly.
10) All Saints : Which is on 1st November, yearly.
Much of this information is based on:
Some canons of note:
Schedule so far for January
Article by Marc Aupiais
Cathedral of Christ the King:
With the Exception of January 1st: when there is not a Tridentine mass; on that Thursday:
Tuesdays: 17:30 (5:30 PM)
Thursdays 17:30 (5:30PM)
Saturdays at 07:30 (7:30 AM)
Will continue as has been. On Sunday the 4th, expect a sung Latin Mass, at 11:30... It may be normal, but may be sung.
Corpus Christi Parish: Humewood:
1st January 2009: 09:00 AM
Cathedral of Christ the King: JHB: Changes and Exception to Tidentine Schedule: No mass Jan first 2009 in Latin form
Article by Marc Aupiais
There will be no Tridentine mass on Jan 1st 2009, at the Cathedral.
This previous Saturday: the Mass time was changed to 10:00: those in our facebook groups were informed. We apologize for the time it took, we thought the details may have already been there!
The Sunday Mass on 4 January, will likely be sung.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Port Elizabeth, Eastern Province, South Africa: Tridentine (Latin) mass to be practiced officially in PE
Article by Marc Aupiais
There will be a Tridentine Rite Mass, performed officially in Port Elizabeth, in January: It is being done by "Monsignor John Clark", of St.Vincent's Parish. However, it will be performed at Corpus Christi Parish, in Humewood.
We have in fact confirmed with the Parish in Question: Corpus Christi Parish, La Roche Drive, Humewood : that there will be a mass, according to the tridentine rite of the mass: at 09:00AM on Thursday January 1st 2009. It will be performed by a priest visiting from another Parish in Port Elizabeth. Future dates at Corpus Christi Parish Humewood: have yet to be finally decided, but Mgr. Clarke will continue to do this Mass in his own parish of St. Vincent's, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth.
The Parish email of the parish hosting this occurance's email address is We will attempt keep you informed on these events.
To confirm:, if you desire to come, from where you can invite friends: our facebook group : tridentine South Africa has created an event, to confirm or deny any desire to attend this:
PE Latin Mass: p.s. complictions as to subsequent ones will be explained!
All Information in this dispatch is purely based on information we have received, we do not guarantee accuracy, however: this event appears highly likely and ligitimate.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tridentine South Africa; Una Voce South Africa (Non-Affiliated): Archdiocese of JHB Cathedral: Sunday Mass Possibility and Appeal
Article By Marc Aupiais
Una Voce SA, whom I am in talks with, in the matter of the Johannesburg Archdiocese' Latin mass attempts: have said that the Cathedral of Christ the King is Prepared to set up the Latin Mass Further on Sundays: at 17:30, with the first Sunday at 11:30 AM. They need to be assured success. The place to say you can come is
This is in line with what a Vatican Source is quoted by mainstream Catholic News as his desire for the Latin Mass to compliment the Ordinary Rite, and be availible universally.
"Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos (bio - news), the president of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, told a June 14 press conference in London that the traditional Latin Mass should be reintroduced throughout the Catholic world. Asked whether the old liturgy would eventually be used in many parishes, the Colombian prelate replied: "Not many parishes; all parishes." "
June 16 2008: Catholic World News: The First Catholic News Service which is said to have gone online.
Letter to the Bishops that accompanies the Motu Proprio Summorum ...
CNS STORY: Pope would like Tridentine Mass in each parish, Vatican ...
Catholic Culture : Catholic World News Feature Stories : Latin ...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Cathedral of Christ the King,Central Johannesburg, South Africa: Latin Mass to continue at Cathedral
Article by Marc Aupiais
With a large success, and following, the Tridentine Mass efforts in Johannesburg by the Cathedral of Christ the King will continue as is, with a single Latin Mass on a Sunday, but with few exceptions: the same schedule is followed on other days.
With the exception of Thursday the 16th, and 25th of December, for the remainder of December, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Saturdays, the Latin Mass Schedule will continue as is:
Tuesdays: 17: 30 (5:30 PM)
Thursdays 17:30 (5:30PM)
Saturdays at 07:30 (7:30 AM)
There will be one Sunday Latin Mass at the Archdiocese this December:
Sunday 21st December: 11:30 AM (Tea is said to be served afterwards)
There Will be a Sunday Latin Mass in January:
Sunday 4th January: 11:30 AM
Both will be "Low Masses"
On the 16th of this Month, the 17:00 mass will not take place, it will instead change to a 10:00 AM on that same day: Tuesday 16th December: due to a public holiday!
The 17:00 mass on Thursday 25th is not to occur on Thursday, but will be on Friday 26th of December at 10:00AM instead.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tridentine South (And Southern) Africa: Latin mass is wonderful: soft, and tribal, and elegant and poignant
Article by Marc Aupiais
The horrid, ugly, rude : selfish actions of drivers, who continuously broke the law, not a traffic officer in site, made us arrive 50 minutes late. We took seats in the Cathedral, outside a small: overflowing chapel. Black and white stood, knelt, and sat on time; black and white replied in Latin. All desired to be there, it was like a soft, Irish Gaelic countryside event. It was soft, and God was attending with our help.
I noticed as hooting continued, and an ambulance moves, glided past, and a truck loudly hooted. Outside: twisting, ugly chaos: we were in a foreign sanctuary, a natural, earthy, universal, simple: elaborate lover's theater. We truly saw the sacrifice of Calvary. We sensed it softly: the obedience and love of God: our sacrificed unblemished lamb.
Truly, here, we felt privy to a secret, an uniting bond beyond all bonds!
Suddenly, our angers and frustrations went, they flew forth, our minds naturally clear: all secular worries were no longer there. We were at peace, we were privy to beauty, and secret: a small dusk bound village ritual of such dedicated love; charismatic fellowship and sharing.
I had never before attended a Latin mass: it has been illicit in Johannesburg for over 40 years, even my parents scarcely recall any of it.
Yet, I sat outside: listening in the Cathedral: the small chapel overflown with loving, considerate people, hardly hearing distinct foreign words; I sat and I marveled, and enjoyed, cherished greatness, as faint yellow and gray light filled my soul with healing peace. Here was truth, here was essence, here was mystery: my God was being crucified through time, beyond time: beyond me, as I sensed, or felt like I sensed all things pass. The ritual folded space and time, and retold history in soft spoken words of love. I had came late, and was a spectator, but witness to greatness, like one in cold snow, watching laughter around a fireplace. I loved the peace, and refused to listen to music afterward, when classical sounds turned to talking.
The peace was naught only from the Cathedral, a marvelous entity of God: the Latin mass was the source of the peace. I have never felt so soft a grace: I have never looked forward to anything but the Eucharist in mass, or perhaps the speaking with pretty, and beautiful Catholic girls and ladies afterward, or perhaps obedience or some things else: yet I look forward to Thursday, when again I can be part of a small: secret, hidden, special ritual: Sometimes not understanding: is wondrous: what a mystery, like roasting marshmallows in the bushvelt: like lying down, counting clouds and stars in the grand Drakensburg, on our backs: we experienced mystical miracles: in the sacraments and sacramentals and ritual and word. Let us all begin to attend the Valid Latin Mass, now we have it again: what a ritual: what a powered miracle: softly watching as God is killed for us!
My heart was combined, as it never is in normal mass: no foolish concerns: Christ occupied our minds and hearts, as all other worries, they came for moments, but past, and peace, in darkness: heavenly light remains. What cherished morsels, what delightful radiance of Christ.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Apology: Retraction of Retraction
Article by Marc Aupiais
I am pleased to say, that when apologizing for a doctrinal mistake, I thought I had made: I have been proven wrong. Canon Law allows for a head of state to be tried for crimes, only by Canon law is the Papacy the only one to try such. Relooking at the issue, I noticed a reference to another Canon: which cleared it up: I was not wrong for agreeing that the Rwandan President should face trial for accusations against him.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa: Official church's Cathedral to host Latin Mass: Tridentine Mass comes to Johannesburg Archdiocese: JHB Central: Cathedral of Christ the King: first time in 40 years!
Article by Marc Aupiais
A source I have been in contact with: Christopher Cordeiro, of Una Voce, has informed me of something which is verified with another source, which wont be mentioned for reasons of non-affiliation:
The Cathedral of Christ the king is to have the Valid (i.e. this is officially done by the church, with Vatican's blessing: Summorum Pontificum) Latin mass, starting December:
Christopher had previously via email informed me of Fr. Shawn van Lillienfeld, parish preist of the Cathedral, the priest I assume will be conducting the rite:
According to Christopher, it will occur at Cathedral of Christ the King: Corner of End Street and Saratoga Avenue, Berea, Johannesburg:
Tuesday 02/12/2008 17:30
Thursday 04/12/2008 17:30
Saturday 06/12/2008 07:30
If successful, this initiative will continue.
To not be lost in the ancient rite, download a copy of the missal:
Hard copy, to buy (has Latin, unsure if English):
The online copy linked to has english and latin: giving meaning and when to do what:
While Una Voce has had problems in America, their South African site seems okay for now. These details fit also information gathered from reliable sources. Christopher also appears a reliable source, orthodox.
To contact the Cathedral,
P O Box 23686
Joubert Park
+27 11 402 6342
or see their information at:
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
An apology
Article by Marc Aupiais
In a recent article, I mentioned, while rebuking the organization SSPX- that Vatican II asked for English to be complimented in Latin also- while for ignorance, I do not hold guilt for this, I believe i violated canon 1372 to some degree, and issue an official apology. I also mentioned "South Africa's Liberal Bishops", I should have said, possibly some of our more liberal bishops- and not generalized, nor do I mean this in the American sense of the word. I also did not mention that it could have been other factors. I was speaking not just as an apologist, but as a person who has had a close friend decide to join the SSPX, I was attempting to place this in context, and also rebuke the organization, but in doing this I fell for some of their arguments, while not for their main thrust, I apologize for this. I pride myself in my high rating for fidelity, and apologize, and as with my previous policy, vow never to cover up a mistake in such matters, and so have not only removed my mistakes as best I can, but also am bringing my own self up on these- so that it is clear that I have made an error in what I said. I will research my handy translation of Canon Law in order to further address any other errors.
As I said, I will inform of any errors of my own quite publicly, when it comes to issues when this is the decent thing to do. If I am incorrect in anything I have said, please inform me, I will alter any errors. I am old in apologetics, but new in journalism.
I also have allot of respect for South Africa's bishops, and again apologize if my article at all aided the leadership of the radical traditionalists, it was an error in my theology which I utmost revoke to quote Vatican II on the issue as i have, without also mentioning, as I now have- the later pronouncements and acts of the papacy.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Abortion- and our crisis- how many Catholic bishops are automatically excommunicated- we need to admit this and replace them!
Article by Marc Aupiais
Recently a close friend of mine mentioned he had joined the SSPX. We always talk about coming out of the closet, it is something gay people did (My friend is perfectly strait)- probably with bad connotations, but I don't think this friend was coming out of the closet, he had been wrestling with it for a while now, and it seems he finally gave in. The Latin was important to him, and there have been monkey games in South Africa- he traveled all the way to Pretoria for a final meeting on setting up the Tridentine rite here, and the priest suddenly withdrew- probably under the influence of South Africa's more liberal bishops, or possibly for personal reasons. In essence, I think my friend had had enough. He is right, to a degree at least, but not to the extent of his choice- I personally see- Vatican Two allowed for some use of English- but for a Latin Norm, and for the use of English which is by churches to be supplemented in every mass by some Latin. In other words, I do not disagree that many leaders of the church are not applying the actual recommendations in this section, of Vatican II.
The problem in his stance also lies in canon 1372 of Canon Law- in that if we appeal to a council of the church in opposition of an act of the pope- we are to be punished with a censure- that is to say- that while I for instance believe that Latin may have huge benefit, should I say the Vernacular is not valid- and quote a council to do so- I am in fact violating Canon law.
Jesus said- it is impossible for any person to convert, but that what is impossible is not impossible to God. This is to say that if we focus so much on livening up the mass, or making it understandable- we lose the battle, because we are trying to save the world on human, not divine resources. In my archdiocese- 9 out of ten catholics do not attend mass on Sunday, and the Protestant population is probably worse off. We have a serious issue, and instead of going back to God's recommendations at the Holy Council- we are trying our own human ways to save our church, this said- the stance of the current church is valid, and what I say is not in opposition to the union of bishops- in that Latin is of benefit, but also we must remember Canon 1372. The church is a sacrament, through which all sacraments are gained. The Sacrament is the name given to the Roman Empire's military pledge of allegiance, it is a word which appears in the Bible, when Saint Peter (I Peter chapter 3 verse 21) says that it is not the water of baptism, but the Sacrament of a good conscience to God which saves us. Basically- the Sacrament is the pledge- the acting which happens in two plains, our plain where actions happen, and the spiritual, where God accompanies these loyal actions with grace. At the heart of Sacramental Theology, Catholic Theology- is the idea that obedience gets grace- and only obedience and faith can save us.
The problem my friend has yet to address- and the argument above is mine, not his- is that the SSPX are in an irregular canonical position- because their bishops broke canon law, and were automatically excommunicated. I myself believe that no small amount of disobedience can save- I believe in subsidarity- that we obey God in obedience to the church, but where God demands we act against it so be it- but God placed the liturgy in the hands of the papacy.
He appointed the bishops to safeguard the church, even if they disobey him. Saint Peter certainly did, when he chose to sit with the Jews apart from the gentiles for the sake of their cause. God himself would one day reduce utterly the amount of Jewish converts- and Saint Peter was not aiding the cause of the church- in fact, Saint Paul heavily rebukes him. He says- you hypocrite. Saint Paul knew that the essence of the gospel was at stake, and attacked Saint Peter's actions, actions which were not infallible, but human, and popes are human, even as at certain times they yield to the divine by asking to be clear of moral and doctrinal error in their words.
What Saint Paul did not do is join an irregularly positioned order of the church, no- he challenged the first Pope as a hypocrite- and worked to change things from within, but he did not join any odd group within.
Now, saying this- I must approach another issue- EWTN notes it softly on their website, but I note it as loudly as possible. Those who support abortion- through action, or silence, who vote for a party which does or is likely to support abortion, who allow this plague strength in our nations and cultures, in any way as to allow even one additional abortion- are excommunicated from the Catholic church.
Recently, when a bishop stood against abortion and the Democrats, who in 1992 caused the current financial crises, a group of nuns wrote the papers, apposing the bishop- in support of Obama. These nuns, in this action are no longer Catholics- they excommunicated themselves. The Canadian bishops who participated in a pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality march, the Catholic Women's league in Canada's leadership who did, and the bishops who did not appose this stance in Canada- are also automatically excommunicated under canon law, and so are many bishops, and media persons in South Africa, and America and Australia and around the world. It is not simply a fight for the culture of life- any Catholic who aids and abets the cause of abortion- is excommunicated.
The Bishops of SSPX, are also excommunicated by an automatic excommunication- via the appointing of bishops against the express objections of the Holy See. Summorum Pontificum, was actually initially the brain-child of Pope John Paul the Second, not Benedict XVI. The act of schism by the bishops of the SSPX, was it seems unnecessary. In fact, it could be why we face so much opposition today in the church to the Latin Mass, asked for by Vatican II, and Trent, and used for all ages until now, and by Pope Benedict XVI, when he says mass.
We however have a dual problem, the church has been wise in noting that the SSPX bishops are excommunicated, they have been unwise in not replacing also- the bishops who are excommunicated on the other fringe- for support of the intrinsic evil of abortion. It is no wonder these bishops and priests also push for gay marriage, and women priests. They have already been cut from the vine of the Catholic church- they no longer are Catholic bishops, but simple administrators, who need to be replaced, because they have left the flock via excommunication. Perhaps the crisis with vocations- and the opposition to the Latin Liturgy of the ages- and the open opposition by many to our Pope, Holy Father- Benedict XVI- lies in the fact that these bishops, priests, nuns, monks and others, including laymen- now operate from outside the church. These people who have given up their lives for Christ and service to the church- are no longer of her flock, and those not of the flock are not worth listening to on matters of doctrine and morals, for Catholics.
Our salvation, and the salvation of the church- lies non in schism, for the bible directly says "Schisms are evil" (Paul writing to the Corinthians), but rather- it must come through obedience, through obeying the letter of Canon Law- as many Charismatics, Traditionalist, and Liberals- have forfeited, for the sake of evangelization- also forfeiting from God- the grace needed and vital to carry this out.
Let us follow the example of Josemaria Escriva', let us be utterly Orthodox, but do it within Canon law, and within the church, but also- our leaders need to clarify and replace those bishops who have either supported one extreme or the other. Those outside the church must no longer pretend to govern her provinces. The sees of those who have supported abortion, and not returned to the church, are empty. This said, just like with SSPX, one is not excommunicated by attending mass in a diocese where the bishop should be replaced. This also said- we are discouraged from attending SSPX masses, this is considered an occasion to sin, and occasions to sin we promise to avoid every confession. Yes, if our life is at risk we may attend it, but not simply to get our daily Latin. The same applies to these excommunicated priests and bishops- we are not lifted of our Sunday obligation, but we should attend masses where the priest is against abortion, and the church, is in fact obligated by morals and conscience, I truly believe that they should take the same steps against these bishops and priests as they did against the SSPX. They need to replace them, and inform them and the world, that these people no longer represent the Catholic church, and full the empty sees, whether by repentance on the part of these bishops, or by replacing them. Something needs to be done, for the salvation of souls.
We have enough Orthodox bishops to survive, and perhaps this small loss in numbers- will bring much in ways of salvation. Once again we need to trust God, and admit to ourselves, and the world- the Truth, about what is and isn't true, and what is and isn't Catholic. What I love about Catholicism, is that I doubt these excommunicated people get any reprieve in obeying every other regulation of the church. Even in mortal sin, every small evil we do- allows for more evil in our self, and world. Let us obey our bishops, and love them for who they represent.
Surely- God created a church for a reason- we may appeal for changes- but we must never despise, nor lead others to despise the authority of our valid bishops, and our pope.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Catholic Women's league- encourages parishioners to thank priests on Sunday dedicated to priests- our disapproval of how this was and likely will be done!
Article by Marc Aupiais
I went to the early mass today- the Saturday night one, and what should be happening in parishes across the country tomorrow- happened tonight. A speaker from the Catholic Women's League spoke, thanking the priest, from the women's league, and the congregation for his work. This far it is good, she then encouraged the congregation to show this, this point it is no longer so compliant with Catholic Traditions of Eucharistic respect.
It is perhaps an unwritten law, which is serious enough- that should this have been done during the mass, we could apply Benedict XVIs words to it, and say that the essence of the mass is lost. Quite simply, even if it was in the announcements, as many of these will be- it remains in the presence of the Eucharist, and is before the priest leaves, and before the final prayers are said, as likely will be with many parishes tomorrow.
In fact, some ancient groups within the church found it so serious to do similar things, that we have centuries old canons recorded in these areas, utmost forbidding clapping in worship.
Now, what purpose does the Catholic Women's League (CWL) have in this- perhaps political- the advancement of the league in public eye, and in the eyes of priests, perhaps genuine aims at appreciating priests, or perhaps knowing aims at "reforming" the church. The league does not give us much to go by as to judging if they are orthodox or spurious. Organizations without clear pledges of loyalty to Orthodox teachings and practice are often ones to watch- for anything spurious. Participation by leading figures in Canada's Catholic Women's League in a pro-abortion march recently is only further proof of this. Unfortunately, in South Africa- it is unlikely that these practices will be stopped, even as 9 out of ten catholics in my own archdiocese, do not attend mass, we still are not returning to the Orthodox practices of before, instead- many choose something almost protestant, or African Traditionalist in nature to worship to. The Pope himself recently stated that the church is not ours but God's. We are to worship God at church, not continue human traditions, or further human politics within a purely human organization. The danger of seeing the church purely as a body of people, is that it is not a human body, but a divine manifestation, which we will be punished if we misrepresent.
At Trinity church at Wits, the other day when I attended, there was use of bongo drums in worship. The use of modern drums may well be justified, in that the sounds made by these are far from those of early drums, and the effect on the audience of the early drums are prevented- in that these simply compliment music, and do not induce any real form of trance, or dance feelings, or the darker group emotions- if used in a respectful manner. It is noted in old testament regulations, that Israel was not to use drums in their worship, the reason was the effect these had on the people worshiping. Perhaps one day we will regain respect for the ancient ways in which Catholics have worshiped for thousands of years.
It is when Catholics have returned to Orthodoxy in that past, that the church has been revived, attempting to water down the faith will only hurt it more.
What should the Women's league have done- they should have asked people to stand in agreement, or perhaps take something a bit more protestant in agreement, and say "amen"- it is. The simple fact is, we are to love God firstly, with heart mind and soul, and that means respect also, and secondly our neighbor. No man should ever be clapped for in a church, even as sometimes, such as at priestly ordinations, clapping may be permitted, but this clapping must be for God, and his working, and not for the priests.
Please also read the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologica on "Superstition". Aquinas is one of only a few saints to be called a Doctor of the church, in Catholic Belief, his words carry more prominence than popes, and are often quoted by important figures... unless the pope speaks excathedra, in which case it is God we respect, and the pope's words, as regards morals and doctrine are to be taken as true.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tridentine South Africa- the mysterious impact of the harder path
Article by Marc Aupiais
When scaling a mountain- or simply walking on the streets- a relatively steep slope is easier to mount than a cliff-face, and once one has been walking on this- it slowly become the norm.
The opposite occurs when one is walking slowly along, and suddenly comes across impassable terrain. Here, the untrained wisely refrain, and the trained take joy in their training.
Now, the mass trains us through rituals in intuition- so as to gain the right path to God. When the meaning of the signs is altered, so as to have no basis- not only is this "Superstition", a mortal sin, but it also takes away from any effect of the Divine Liturgy. When we make mass easier for the sake of ease, we sow in shallow ground, and the seeds here quickly find root, but also quickly die. The parishioners who are treated too softly, by church and self- often wither to dust, when faced with the cliff-face of morality. Those who enter faith knowing the cost- see the cliff-face and continue as they had- slowly mounting the impossible. Jesus himself says that conversion is impossible- before adding that this is not impossible with God.
This is why we subscribe as Orthodox Roman Catholics- to the firm belief that softening the path beyond meaning is dangerous- because we lose grace- and then what is possible to God- truly is impossible.
An argument for the Latin Liturgy, is not complete without stating that Vatican II desired and stated this was to be the norm. What we argue for here- is not simply reintroducing a wider use of the Latin mass, but also that one not fear losing persons by not watering down the faith- rather- if we water it down- they only believe they are Catholic, but never truly take root. If we enforce every rule and regulation with utmost detailed power- at least we are building a foundation- even if our beliefs are rejected.
Now, as to the Latin- firstly, it is asked of the church in Vatican II that this be the norm, and secondly- it is not a sin of the laity- should the bishops in their area, or their pope forbid this practice. Quite simply- that sin rests squarely, and only on the competent authority. This is where one must realize the errors of those who reject the Ecclesiastical authority. The actual degree is as follows, as quoted from Vatican II:
ON DECEMBER 4, 1963"
"36. 1. Particular law remaining in force, the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites.
2. But since the use of the mother tongue, whether in the Mass, the administration of the sacraments, or other parts of the liturgy, frequently may be of great advantage to the people, the limits of its employment may be extended. This will apply in the first place to the readings and directives, and to some of the prayers and chants, according to the regulations on this matter to be laid down separately in subsequent chapters.
3. These norms being observed, it is for the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority mentioned in Art. 22, 2, to decide whether, and to what extent, the vernacular language is to be used; their decrees are to be approved, that is, confirmed, by the Apostolic See. And, whenever it seems to be called for, this authority is to consult with bishops of neighboring regions which have the same language.
4. Translations from the Latin text into the mother tongue intended for use in the liturgy must be approved by the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority mentioned above."
Now, when the venacular is to be used- it is to be of benefit to the people- this is why the ecclesiam has allowed it largely- but where it has been caused as the only form- bishops have in fact condemned thousands to hades- in the leaving of these people from the flock, and also in many abuses, and problems with liturgy. In other words- the venacular is allowed by God where it creates fruit- but the manner in which it has been abused, and has been overused- has in fact done the opposite- it has encouraged laxity- taken away from some of the mystery- set us further apart from our Greek brothers, and further has caused a different balance in the mass, and therefore in the spirituality of Catholics- whereby vast majorities of faithful in many countries, especially in South Africa- actually fall under the excommunication, anathema, or condemnation of the church.
Now, when we allow a less defined liturgy- we allow less defined morality- and when we allow shallower public worship, we allow shallower spirituality.
When one takes effort to worship God as in the Tridentine rite- one realizes the purpose of the mass- and more than this of life- that we are worshiping and praying to God.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Canadian Bishops begin turnaround- and other good stories about Bishops who have started again to preach with the pope
Article by Marc Aupiais
Yesterday- a wonderful piece of news was touched on, the Canadian bishops- famous for many of these supporting abortion marches, or for views on Humane Vitae, which are controversial to say the least-
Have come out strongly supporting the doctrine- showing a new Orthodox front, preaching in line with, and in unison with Rome.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Another oddity in South Africa over the Latin Mass
Article by Marc Aupiais
As I was unable to attend the Latin Mass meeting, all the way in Pretoria yesterday, I sent someone who was attending my proxy and that of a fellow of mine.
The monsigneur- who had informed us he would only do the mass if at least 30 people were in attendance- something that seemed reasonable- but which does seem against the wishes of the Vatican- informed all who had travelled so far that he had had a sudden change of heart- he would no longer do the Latin Mass with them- this at the third meeting simply to finalize the location.
He said they could find out in October about another priest he might ask about it. Pretoria is over an hour's drive from Johannesburg, and many people put off important things to comply with this meeting- we share our empathy with them for their disappointment, especially as I personally have not until recently had any interest in the Traditional mass- except in a feeling that God desired it.
Sadly- in a country where holding hands during the Our Father- seems the norm, despite this not being a Catholic symbol, and not something with a biblical source- something utterly foreign to the rubrics of the mass, nor permitted without Vatican Approval that I have ever seen- which no document I have seen gives, and where communion is taught to be received on the hand- against the norms in the rubrics I have seen, and against what Vatican II said.
It is no secret that the South African Church has a crisis- with so many not understanding basic doctrines- or else not attending mass at all.
So, in truth- I had hoped the Latin- not only would achieve what Pope Benedict had intended, but also reunite SSPX members with the church, as well as increase Orthodoxy in general as it has in other nations.
Unfortunately- we once again must wait on another hope- I do know of Parishes in South Africa who adhere to the desires of the papacy to permit the Latin form of mass, and I do know of some developments, but for now we need to wait and hope- and obey God as best we are able.
Sad defeat often turns into great victory- I only wish I knew why there is such a negative attitude about this Valid form of mass among many priests- to the extent that many Catholics are in open Schism with Mother Church- simply because they desire to worship as they used to- in what Vatican II had set forth as the Ordinary form- Latin!
Please continue to pray for the Advancement of the right we used to follow for over a millennium- the one which was called the ordinary form- and has the imprimatur of Trent- of God's most famous council upon it.
This said- the colloquial is valid- and we do not disobey by following it- just the opposite!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Latin mass meeting tomorrow in Pretoria
This is a reminder of the meeting at St.John Fisher's Parish, Lynnwood, Pretoria at 09:00AM this Saturday- to discuss the possibility of a Latin mass in the Archdiocese-
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Why many Protestant and Other congregations die- and the link to strict rules
Article by Marc Aupiais
Protestant Christianity in its old form is declining- much of modern Protestant thought- often more mimics the beliefs of a political party or country, or movement than its roots in the 16th century- according to Catholic Culture. This is clear in the recent controversy of the Anglican synod- and the generally acceptance of contraceptive- homosexuality- and female priests among many protestants- things the reformers did not approve of.
The worlds biggest religions- Islam and Catholicism- are the most rule bound and the ones most strict in these.
The countries where Catholicism is strictest- it is largest- where self mortification is most practised, it grows the most.
The reason to watch this trend within the congregations of protestantism- is because it does not come from its roots- none of these people can claim the follow what they "originally heard" from their organizations' founders- as the bible commands of us to do with the words of Christ- but only that they are for progress- something borrowed from secular society.
Catholicism has its own additions from this- from the liberal movement who are not judging the world as "the spiritual man judges all things", but from its perspective- judging the spiritual- and the "carnal is death" (if our religion is to be believed), while the bible (Saint Paul)adds "the spirit is life", and so we have our own carnal additions- holding hands during the Our Father- from Alcoholics Anonymous (Karl Keating- Catholic Answers Apolostate), and communion on the hand, reintroduced by protestants- who desired to show that as the bread they took together was nothing but bread- that therefore any could handle it. Granted- in the early church- communion was often taken on the hand- but the church itself changed this practise- further- in areas where this was active prior Vatican II- it was not an abuse to allow it, yet we are still asked to do otherwise in the official norms.
Another addition- this one perhaps more serious is
- holding hands during the our Father- which is lambasted from EWTN, to Catholic Answers- to Zenit News, to important bishops- as something not in the rubrics- the script by which we hold mass.
According to an authoritative book of the church's on the mass- the holding hands created the wrong atmosphere- the mass is a worship ceremony- it is prayer, and the witnessing of a sacrifice- of the Eucharist- God's living flesh through time-
therefore- while the sign of peace is permitted and correct- it must not be an afterthought- rather- we at Tridentine South and Southern Africa- believe both the Our Father- and the Sign of peace should be distinctive and each have their own powerful impact, through the contrast- by inciting firstly the first command- worship of God- and then the second- love of neighbour- and the singleness of the church.
And so- the Latin mass fits our needs for growth and Orthodoxy- in the phenomenal growth of the churches which have instituted this- and in the growth of irregular organizations such as SSPX, whose bishops are excommunicated.
We must not water down religion to gain following- rather- we must increase its hardness- so that the seed does not fall on shallow ground- but on deep ground.
Further- we should not take practises from Alcoholics Anonymous- we do not gain our power from our peers alone- but from God and the sacraments- and our beloved Popes.
Holding hands- is a sign of needing support- a hand shake is a sign of support- the second is loving our neighbor- the first is something that has perhaps helped alcoholics- but which is introduced from the bottom up- in contrast with the method by which truth is clarified in the church.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Why Catholics are meant to take communion on the tongue
The church itself sets forth as the norm- the way people should take communion- as communion on the tongue.
When we go to church- often we are unaware of so many doctrinal points- such as the necessity of this doctrine- or the fact we are not permitted by the official doctrines or works of Mother church to hold hands during the our father- or many of these other things-
The Latin mass truly is our heritage- not so much as in that it preserves these images that give us respect for God- but in as much as Vatican II actually desired the beloved Novus Order- to be said in Latin in most cases.
A good site on what should happen in mass- recommended by Catholic culture is-
The strict rubrics and procedures of the Tridentine mass- often ensure obedient following- even so- we truly wish more people would practice the NO mass more in line with the desires of the church- remember- you are there to pray- to worship- not to hear a man speak!
The spirit of the Lord- is in the utmost details of our obedience- and cannot be the being behind any disobedience- truly- what does not gather scatters- and what is not from God- does not gather- for evil does not result in good-
Fidelity to our wondrous desert dry public worship- to the very detail of every word of truth- is our way in salvation- whether Novus Order, or Tridentine- we must most perfectly perform every action- and with our entire being worship and manifest the Truth- our God- always demonstrating in body language and respect exactly whom we worship!
In fact- communion on the hand- emerged again with the protestants who rejected the real presence- and took it on the hand to symbolically show this:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tridentine Mass In Archdiocese of Johannessburg- meeting on place
a justification of the mass is given here
Removed on temporary status for investigation for Orthodoxy issues
Email we sent out:
Dear {Friends and fellows},
I would firstly like to thank your admins for allowing us to send this message, which will be of interest to either many members or people they know of.
The Archdiocese of Johannesburg plans to redintroduce the Latin mass to those desiring it, with a specific mass, but need to know they will succeed if they do this, as it is requires at least 30 monthy attenders to be worthwhile.
There will be a meeting on the 27th of September, at 09:00am at the parish of St. John Fisher, which is in Lynwood, Pretoria.
If there are enough people willing to commit to this, the applicable persons, would be willing to allow the Latin Mass, in a single parish at first in the diocese- if we had a minimum of 30 people attending it a month.
Please inform your parishes about this, perhaps to be announced at the announcements in mass.
We have set up a facebook group, which will keep you in the loop, which we would appreciate our fellows joining:
listed here
God bless,Pax Christi et Catholici,
Marc Aupiais
To start, we have a meeting on the 27th September at 09:00 at St.John Fisher's church Lynwood, Pretoria, where the viablity of this will be judged, if we have 30 once a month attenders- it is viable-
The location will also be discussed i.e. JHB or Pretoria.
here is our facebook group
Tridentine South Africa
It, like this will have details!
here is an intorduction
"The ancient rite of the mass, the Tridentine mass, may be reintroduced to the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, if the diocese can get enough people in the Johannesburg/Pretoria area to want to attend it.The Archdiocese is trying to start up a Latin mass in Johannesburg or Pretoria, but we desperately are trying to get at least 30 people to go once a month, or ris no mass at all.Join this group if you want to be one of these people, or to get updated on events, please tell us if you are prepared to be one, or else state how often you want to go. This is an attempt to get FSSP, going in South Africa, in accordance with Benidict XVI's hopes for the church.Please write on our wall, or email us if you want to be one of the first, needed thirty, otherwise, please pray for our success.
Sincerely,Marc Aupiais, and fellows"
the telling of this is seen here:
"Ok, the second meeting about the Latin Mass has taken place. Unfortunatly, I couldn't attend the first one, but apparently it was not really important. I managed to attend the second meeting, which happened on Saturday the 6th of September. It was at St. John Fisher, which is in Lynwood, Pretoria.The Monsignor went through the order of the Latin Mass with us. He said he would be willing to allow the Latin Mass if we had a minimum of 30 people attending it a month.The second meeting is scheduled for the 27th of September at 9:00am, at St. John Fisher's. From there we will determine when the Mass will be implemented. But we need your support!"
Asley Ritchie attended the meeting previous to this one.
Please join us on the 27th and keep in contact.
God Bless, Marc Aupiais
South African Catholic
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